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Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: Чт мар 18, 2021 4:39 am

#1 Сообщение GabrielMarcus » Чт мар 18, 2021 5:13 am

And so, I continue on with the aid of my football gloves second generation Tilley . You can still get a smiling pattern copy, but I couldn't find one using my preferred nylon fabric. In many African cultures, hats represent an extension of traditional hairstyles and can signify cultural, social, and personal meanings. The form of the isicholo, or married woman's hat, developed out of a 19th-century conical hairstyle that was worn as a sign of respect to one's husband and his family, in addition to serving as a public symbol of married status. In the early 20th century, a removable hat like this one replaced the hairstyle. This hat, with its flaring disk-like shape, is constructed of human hair. The reddish hue associated with beauty and femininity is the result of the application of a red ocher and fat mixture colorant.

Despite these caveats, I think a response and some clarification about my thoughts on black hat in general are in order. I'm responding less because I think Kris believes it and more because of the surprisingly supportive response his post received in parts of the search community. Yes, white hat SEO, particularly in boring industries for non-established sites is a tremendous challenge. It requires immense heated gloves creativity, huge quantities of elbow grease and a lot of patience, too. Black hat takes some creativity sometimes, but often it's about finding or learning the tactic Google Bing haven't caught up to and applying it over and over until it burns down your site and you have to find another. Black hat is fundamentally interesting and often amazingly entertaining, much in the same vein as movies and fingerless gloves TV shows featuring clever bank robbers.

If you are charging your clients for service and not being competitive then you are ripping off your clients. It's as simple as that. I know you whitehats are squirming in your seat right now shaking your little fists and saying, "It's not sustainable. Our strategy is based around long term results!". No, it's not. Your strategy is based around wishful thinking and hoping that someday Google will do your job for you so you don't have to. Until Google starts enforcing the rules, there aren't any. And as long as that is true anyone who is not waiting around for them to be enforced is going to rank. Anyone who does wait around won't. You have an obligation to your clients to do everything in your power to rank leather gloves their sites using the most effective methods currently available to you.

He's dead wrong on the false choice between either being black hat or "not using the most effective methods." A tax advisor that recommends quasi-legal, high-risk shelters might be using "the most effective methods," to protect wealth, but that doesn't make his more responsible peers obligation-dodging sissies. Search marketers, whether in-house or consultant DO have an obligation, in my opinion, to know and understand the full spectrum of tactics, white hat or black, but we also carry the same responsibility as any other professional with specialized knowledge: to recommend the right strategy for the situation. "If your main offering is quality content YOU ARE NOT AN SEO, You are a writer. If you are billing your client SEO prices for writing services you are ripping them off.

So too must professional, white hat SEOs know the range of tactics at play in our field. I could go on and on and on. The sites that people WANT to click on in the results. The ones that make searchers, technologists, marketers and search quality engineers happy are sites that deserve to rank. When you build a brand that does that and optimize in a way that no webspam engineer would ever want to discount, you've built a true competitive advantage in SEO. Black hat is, much of the time, a sad excuse for a lack of creativity, discipline and willingness to invest in the long term. Here's to hoping the SEO industry continues to grow, flourish and attract brilliant, creative minds. Over the past 9 years of my career in the field, I've seen great progress, but not enough.

I can speak from experience that one of the first things that client will do after the meeting is start looking for an SEO consultant more willing to break driving gloves the rules than I am. I think the real danger zone is when clients ignore clearly unethical business practices for the allure of short-term gains. We've all seen SEO companies who used risky tactics to move their clients quickly up the rankings, collected a big check, and then ran off before the client crashed and burned 6 months later. That's unethical, regardless of Google's rules. A company that clearly communicates the risks, gives clients a choice and is versed in a wide range of tactics is completely different, IMO. Unfortunately, the SEO debate is a bit like the healthcare debate.

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